Fully Lab Tested

No Chemical, Pure Original

10 multigrain

In Comparison with other available brands we use special millets which make HGF more healthier such as :

Kangni /Foxtail Millet

  • Helps in boosting immunity.
  • Good for Cardiac Health.
  • Maintains good muscles and bone health.
  • Reduces bad cholesterol level and help in reducing belly fat.
  • Great cereal option for diabetics.
  • High in fiber which helps in healthy digestion and prevents constipation which is common issue during pregnancy.
  • It helps lactating mothers in increasing hemoglobin level and production of mother’s milk.


  • Contains high levels of antioxidants.
  • Improving insulin response and reducing blood sugar.
  • Can reduces the risk of asthma.
  • Can help in prevent constipation.


  • Help in managing blood sugar level.
  • Can provide essential nutrients to infants and young children.
  • Amino acids are present in Ragi that protects your skin from risks of rashes, wrinkles and skin dullness.
  • Rich in protein which strengthen your hair and reduces hair fall.
  • Helps lactating mothers in increasing hemoglobin level & production of mother’s milk.
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